March 3 - Daily Cultural Literacy Online Quiz | Student Handouts

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Daily Knowledge Quiz for March 3

1. For early humans, which of the following was not a positive factor of living in a settled community?

2. "Punic" is Latin for _____.

3. _____ excavate the sites where human beings used to live.

4. After ancient Israel became a separate entity, the two southern Hebrew tribes remained loyal to King Rehoboam as the kingdom of _____.

5. Moroni is the capital city of what African country?

6. Which of the following countries is not located in Asia?

7. The spread of Christianity throughout the Roman empire is an example of _____.

8. Who was the last Mexican president to rule Texas?

9. What is the capital city of the American state of Arizona?

10. Riga is the capital city of what European country?

11. U.S. first ladies Nancy Reagan and Edith Wilson are among the descendants of the legendary Pocahontas.

12. Of the 50 U.S. states, which is the most densely populated?

13. _____ DNA is DNA that is passed genetically through female lines, from grandmother to mother to daughter, following a line of descent similar to that of the Y-chromosome in males.

14. What does the Latin phrase "veni, vidi, vici" mean in English?

15. Who was the first to link biological diversity to evolution, in the book "On the Origin of Species" (1859)?

16. Emperor Nero blamed the fire that destroyed Rome on members of a new religious group, the _____.

17. The busiest motor vehicle bridge in the world, spanning the Hudson River to connect New Jersey and New York, is named after what U.S. president?

18. The ancient Hittites, who lived in what is now Turkey, developed _____ for tools and weapons.

19. What famous conqueror founded the city of Alexandria in Egypt?

20. What is the most multilingual (having the most spoken languages) continent in the world?

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