Montezuma II (1466-1520) Workbook for Kids |
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Here is the fourth workbook from America's Story for America's Children. This informational text is designed for students in grades 1-3, depending upon individual reading level. Click here to print or download. This workbook is ten pages in length, and includes work in history/social studies, spelling, handwriting, vocabulary, and reading comprehension. |
Montezuma's palace was as grand as those in Spain. He dressed in robes of beautiful colors, and wore rings upon his fingers and bracelets upon his wrists, and around his neck were strings of beautiful shells. No boy in the city could shoot an arrow or throw a spear as well as he. And when the boys played at games, he was the most skillful of them all. These Aztec people were proud of their prince and of their fine city, Tenochtitlan, with its high walls and its temples studded with pearls and precious stones. The city was built on an island in a great lake. Across the lake were fine bridges. There were so many of them that they looked like the spokes of a great wheel, with the city at the hub... |
Answer Key: 1. A - island; 2. D - fourth; 3. spinning wheel; 4. 4,008; 5. 4,010; 6. 4,404; 7. B - cave; 8. flood, fire, wind, famine; 9. C - Spain; 10. Answers will vary. To help introduce primary students to more American history with fun informational texts, click here for the other titles in this free workbook series. |
CCSS.ELA-LITERACY.RI.2.1: Ask and answer such questions as who, what, where, when, why, and how to demonstrate understanding of key details in a text. |