12-Inch Seacoast Gun, Philippine Islands | Student Handouts
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12-Inch Seacoast Gun
World Geography > Asia > Southeast Asia > Philippines > Images of the Philippines
12-Inch Seacoast Gun, Philippines
A 12-inch seacoast gun emplaced at Battery Hearn on Fort Mills (Corregidor, Philippines).  Battery Hearn was one of the last fortifications built on Fort Mills prior to limitations of the Washington Naval Treaty taking effect in the 1920s.  The 12-inch guns were the longest range weapons (27 kilometers; 16 miles) on Corregidor and fired on Japanese forces on Bataan Peninsula.  Following the surrender of Corregidor on May 6, 1942, Battery Hearn was the scene of a famous photograph of Japanese soldiers celebrating their victory on top of the guns (World War II). Click here to enlarge.
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