Answer Key - 1. Robert, Duke of Normandy; 2. Henry I of France; 3. Answers will vary; 4. Matilda of Flanders; 5. Answers will vary; 6. Harold Godwinson; 7. B - Declared war against Emperor Henry
IV; 8. A - True; 9. Answers will vary; 10. C - London; 11. On map; 12. On map; 13. On map; 14. On map; 15. On map; 16. On map; 17. Malcolm; 18. York; 19. October, 1071; 20. Answers will vary; 21. September 9, 1087; 22. Answers will vary; 23. A - True; 24. B - False; 25. Answers will vary; 26. F - duchy; 27. C - bull; 28. V - suzerain; 29. R - reconciliation; 30. G - encroachments; 31. Q - quarrel; 32. K - harried; 33. B - besieging; 34. A - advantageous; 35. J - formidable; 36. M - impunity; 37. H - fidelity; 38. T - schismatic; 39. S - requisite; 40. O - leniently; 41. X - witenagemot; 42. D - conciliated; 43. E - conspiracy; 44. W - vantage; 45. U - speedily; 46. N - insurrection; 47. I - forfeited; 48. P - purport; 49. L - hitherto. |