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Victory and Independence Reading with Questions
1. What was the dynastic cycle?

2. Describe the contributions of classical Chinese civilization to human history.

3. Explain the role of climate and geography on the development of classical Chinese civilization.

Click here to print this sheet of three essay questions. Answers will vary.

The dynastic cycle is a concept in Chinese history and political philosophy that describes the rise and fall of dynasties. It is a recurring pattern of how different Chinese dynasties would come to power, rule, and eventually decline and be replaced by a new ruling house. This cycle was a significant feature of China's political landscape for centuries.

Rise of a New Dynasty: The cycle begins with the establishment of a new dynasty, often following a period of instability, rebellion, or foreign conquest. The new rulers claim the Mandate of Heaven, a divine right to rule, as a justification for their authority.

Prosperity and Stability: During the early years of a dynasty, there is often a period of relative stability, economic prosperity, and social order. The rulers are seen as effective and just.

Peak of Power: The dynasty reaches its peak of power and influence. This is when it tends to expand its territory, enhance its culture, and establish a strong bureaucracy.

Challenges and Problems: Over time, challenges start to emerge. Corruption, fiscal problems, natural disasters, and external threats can weaken the dynasty's control and legitimacy.

Loss of the Mandate of Heaven: When the ruling dynasty becomes corrupt or fails to address the people's needs, it is believed to lose the Mandate of Heaven. This loss is often marked by natural disasters, revolts, and other signs of divine disapproval.

Revolts and Unrest: As dissatisfaction with the ruling dynasty grows, revolts and rebellions become more frequent. Different factions or rebel leaders may compete for power.

Fall of the Dynasty: Eventually, the dynasty collapses, either due to external invasions, internal revolts, or a combination of factors. The ruling family is overthrown, marking the end of that dynasty's rule.

Establishment of a New Dynasty: The cycle begins anew as a new dynasty rises to power, often after a period of conflict and power struggles.

The dynastic cycle reflects the cyclical view of history held in traditional Chinese thought. It emphasizes the importance of rulers governing justly and being responsive to the needs of the people. When a dynasty lost the Mandate of Heaven, it was believed that a new one should replace it to restore harmony and stability.

The concept of the dynastic cycle was a central part of Confucian political philosophy and played a role in shaping Chinese political traditions for centuries. It also influenced the way Chinese dynasties legitimized their rule and managed their governance.
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