Brain Teasers Worksheet No. 6 | Student Handouts
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Brain Teasers Worksheet #6 > Study Games > Printable Games > Brain Teasers
This is a fun handout full of head-scratchers for students in grades 4-6. For those of you who are stumped, here are the answers to the riddles, as well as the unscrambled version of the Printer's Pi poem.

What lives in the winter, dies in the summer, and grows from the roots down? An icicle.

What is the first thing a gardener sets in a garden? His or her feet.

Some of your hurts you have cured,
   And the sharpest you still have survived.
But what torments of grief you endured,
   From evils which never arrived!
Brain Teasers Worksheet #6 - Free to print (PDF file). For grades 4-6.
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Maze Answer Key > Study Games > Printable Games > Brain Teasers