Causes and Effects of Progressivism Worksheet | Student Handouts
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Causes and Effects of Progressivism DIY Infographic Worksheet > U.S. History > Discontent and Reform > Worksheets
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Students gain experience creating an infographic while learning about the long- and short-term causes and effects of the Progressive movement in United States history. Click here to print. Answers will vary.

The Progressive Movement in the United States, which spanned roughly from the late 19th century to the early 20th century, was a period of significant reform and social change. It had both long-term and short-term causes and effects.

Long-Term Causes:
  • Industrialization and Urbanization: The rapid industrialization and urbanization of the late 19th and early 20th centuries brought about many social and economic changes. It led to the concentration of wealth in the hands of a few, exploitative labor practices, and poor living conditions in cities, which created a need for reform.
  • Social and Economic Inequality: Income inequality was a long-standing issue, with a small percentage of the population amassing significant wealth while many others lived in poverty. This wealth gap fueled discontent and a desire for reform.
  • Political Corruption: Corruption was rampant in politics, with political machines and party bosses wielding significant power and influence. This hindered the democratic process and led to calls for political reform.
Short-Term Causes:
  • Muckraking Journalism: Investigative journalism, known as muckraking, exposed the social ills and corruption of the time. Journalists like Upton Sinclair, Ida Tarbell, and Lincoln Steffens played a crucial role in raising public awareness.
  • Economic Crises: The Panic of 1893 and the financial panic of 1907 were economic crises that increased pressure for reform, particularly in the areas of banking and finance.
  • Success of State-Level Reforms: Progressives found success at the state level, enacting various reforms, which encouraged reform efforts at the federal level.
  • Political Reforms: The Progressive Movement led to significant political reforms, including the direct election of senators (17th Amendment), the introduction of primary elections, and the initiative, referendum, and recall processes, which increased citizen involvement in the democratic process.
  • Economic Reforms: Progressives advocated for various economic reforms, including antitrust legislation (Sherman Antitrust Act, Clayton Antitrust Act), the regulation of big business, and banking reform (Federal Reserve Act).
  • Social Reforms: The era saw social reforms, such as the Pure Food and Drug Act and the Meat Inspection Act, which aimed to ensure the safety of food and products. Progressives also advocated for labor reforms, including the establishment of workers' compensation and child labor laws.
  • Women's Suffrage: The Progressive Movement contributed to the women's suffrage movement. Women's suffrage was achieved with the passage of the 19th Amendment in 1920.
  • Consumer Protection: Progressives emphasized consumer protection, leading to the creation of agencies like the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) to ensure product safety.
  • Environmental Conservation: Progressives were instrumental in the conservation of natural resources and the establishment of national parks and forests.
  • Legacy: The Progressive Movement laid the groundwork for many of the social and political reforms that continued in the 20th century, contributing to the shaping of modern America.
The Progressive Movement was a response to the complex challenges of the time and had a lasting impact on American society and government. It marked a shift toward a more active and reform-oriented federal government and played a vital role in shaping the nation's politics and policies.
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