American Revolution - American History Readings for Grades 4-6
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The American Revolution
1. Battle of Lexington

2. Paul Revere's Ride

3. Fort Ticonderoga

4. Battle of Bunker Hill

5. Second Continental Congress

6. Speech of Patrick Henry, 1775

7. Battle of Quebec

8. Fine Feathers Ne'er Make Fine Birds

9. Washington and His Army

10. Declaration of Independence

11. The First American Flag

12. The Darkest Hour in America History

13. Success on the Ground of Defeat

14. Valley Forge

15. Battle of Monmouth

16. The Little Black-Eyed Rebel

17. The Surrender of Burgoyne

18. Massacre at Wyoming

19. Robert Morris

20. Captain Paul Jones

21. Le Bonhomme Richard

22. Emily Geiger

23. Arnold the Traitor and Andre the Spy

24. Surrender of Cornwallis

25. Washington Taking Leave of His Army

26. War versus Peace

27. American Money

28. La Fayette

29. National Hymn
Before Columbus - Period of European Discovery - Early European Settlements - American Revolution

The American Nation - Antebellum America - The Civil War - Late Nineteenth Century

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