Peace and Prosperity - American History Readings for Grades 4-6
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The Late Nineteenth Century
1. Johnson's Administration

2. The Atlantic Cable

3. Alaska

4. Grant's Administration

5. The Sioux War of 1876

6. The Massacre of Custer's Army

7. Hayes' Administration

8. The Burning of Chicago

9. Garfield's Administration

10. Arthur's Administration

11. The Telephone and the Phonograph

12. Edison, the Genius of the Age

13. Administration of Grover Cleveland

14. Earthquake at Charleston

15. The Administration of Benjamin Harrison

16. Johnstown Flood

17. Indian Outbreak

18. Battle of Wounded Knee Creek

19. Second Administration of Cleveland

20. The World's Columbian Exposition

21. The Presidential Election of 1896

22. Our Nation in 1897

23. No Room for Class Distinction

24. Illinois, Illinois

25. Frances E. Willard
Before Columbus - Period of European Discovery - Early European Settlements - American Revolution

The American Nation - Antebellum America - The Civil War - Late Nineteenth Century

Spanish-American War - United States Government - The Early Twentieth Century