History of India PowerPoint | Student Handouts
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History of India PowerPoint
History of India PowerPoint - PPT/PPTX/PDF free to print or download.
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"India: A Quick Overview of Indian History" - 18 slides with 6 review questions. Select your preferred version.
PPT - This version is in Microsoft PowerPoint 1997-2003 format. Some of the graphics may look a bit wocky.
PPTX - This version is in Microsoft PowerPoint 2007 format. It is the best version.
PDF - This version features the entire presentation in PDF format, with one slide per page. It is the best version for viewing online, or for printing directly from your browser.
Handout - This version, in PDF format, features three slides per page. There are blank lines next to each slide where students can take notes. Be forewarned that shrinking the slides may make some of the text difficult to read.
Click here for a printable outline of this PowerPoint presentation.
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