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Ancient Greece Miscellany > World History > Ancient Greece > Ancient Greece Miscellany
 Education in Ancient Greece Coloring Sheet for Kids "The Glory That Was Greece" Printable Trivia Cards Ancient Greece Memory-style Card Game Ancient Greece Five-Paragraph Essay with Question Options and Rubric Ancient Greece Multiple-Choice Test with 30 Questions 
 Greek Education Coloring Page "The Glory That Was Greece" Printable Trivia Cards Ancient Greece Memory-style Card Game Ancient Greece Five-Paragraph Essay with Grading Rubric Ancient Greece Multiple-Choice Test with 30 Questions 
 Ancient Crete: Minoan Civilization History Workbook "Sports and Diplomacy in the Global Arena" Learning Module Macedonia, Alexander the Great, and the Hellenistic World Workbook Ancient Greece History Workbook Alexander the Great Biography Workbook 
 Ancient Crete: Minoan Civilization Workbook "Sports and Diplomacy in the Global Arena" Learning Module Macedonia, Alexander, and the Hellenistic World Workbook Ancient Greece History Workbook Alexander the Great Biography Workbook 
  Aristotle (384-322 B.C.E.)                  
  Aristotle (384-322 B.C.E.)                  
Ancient Greece made significant contributions to civilization in various fields, including:

Democracy: Ancient Greece is often credited with the development of the concept of democracy. The city-state of Athens introduced a form of direct democracy, where citizens had a say in decision-making. This idea laid the foundation for modern democratic systems.

Philosophy: Greek philosophers, such as Socrates, Plato, and Aristotle, made pioneering contributions to philosophy. Their ideas influenced the development of Western philosophy and critical thinking.

Art and Architecture: Greek art and architecture, characterized by its focus on symmetry and balance, has had a lasting impact. The Parthenon in Athens is an iconic example of classical Greek architecture.

Literature: Greek literature produced epic poems like the Iliad and the Odyssey attributed to Homer. Drama, including tragedies by playwrights like Aeschylus, Sophocles, and Euripides, also originated in Greece.

Mathematics: Greek mathematicians, such as Euclid, made significant contributions to geometry and number theory. Euclidean geometry, for example, remains a fundamental part of mathematics education.

Science: Greek scholars made advances in various scientific fields, including astronomy, medicine, and physics. The work of individuals like Hippocrates and Ptolemy laid the foundation for future scientific developments.

Olympic Games: The ancient Greeks introduced the Olympic Games, which not only provided entertainment but also promoted physical fitness and healthy competition.

Mythology: Greek mythology, with its gods, goddesses, and epic stories, has left a lasting cultural legacy that continues to influence art, literature, and popular culture.

Theater: The Greeks are credited with the development of theater as an art form. The structure of Greek dramas, with elements like the chorus, has had a lasting impact on theatrical traditions.

These contributions continue to shape contemporary society, making ancient Greece a crucial and enduring part of the cultural heritage of Western civilization.
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Ancient Greece MiscellanyAncient Greece Worksheets > World History > Ancient Greece > Ancient Greece Miscellany