Napoleonic Era Maps and Pictures | Student Handouts
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Napoleonic Era Maps and Pictures > World History > Napoleonic Era > Napoleonic Era Maps & Pictures
  Map of Europe in 1812.  Including the empire of the French, states dependent on Napoleon, and states allied with Napoleon.  Napoleon Bonaparte (1769-1821)  Triumphal Arch (Carrousel), Paris, France.  The Arc de Triomphe is the largest triumphal arch in the world.  Coup d'Etat  Napoleon in Egypt, 1798 
  Europe in 1812   Napoleon I Image Gallery   Arc de Triomphe   Coup d'état   Napoleon in Egypt  
  Battle of Trafalgar, 1805  Horatio, Lord Nelson by Abbott  Duke of Wellington  Waterloo Battle Map  Prince Klemens Wenzel von Metternich. 
  Battle of Trafalgar, 1805   Horatio Lord Nelson   Duke of Wellington   Battle of Waterloo   Metternich  
  Emperor Napoleon I by Andrea Appiani  Prime Minister Charles Maurice de Talleyrand of France.  Battle of Wagram, 1809  Coronation of Napoleon I and Empress Josephine  Map of Europe in 1815 
  Emperor Napoleon I by Andrea Appiani   Talleyrand   Battle of Wagram   Coronation of Napoleon I and Josephine   Map of Europe in 1815  
  Napoleon at Austerlitz  Josephine de Beauharnais, wife of Napoleon.  From a painting by Prudhon.  At the time of his marriage, Napoleon was about to start on his Italian campaign.  Josephine was a general favorite, and her husband once acknowledged her helpful tact with the remark, "I win battles, but Josephine wins hearts."  In later years, however, after he became emperor, he divorced Josephine and married an Austrian princess.  Napoleon Crossing the Alps  Napoleon Bonaparte on the Bridge at Arcole  Napoleon Bonaparte on His Imperial Throne 
  Napoleon at Austerlitz   Josephine de Beauharnais   Napoleon Crossing the Alps   Napoleon on the Bridge at Arcole   Napoleon on His Imperial Throne  
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