Adolf Hitler (1889-1945) | Student Handouts
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Adolf Hitler (1889-1945)
Adolf Hitler - Leader ("Führer") of Nazi Germany in World War II - Гитлер Фото > Historical Figures > "H" Names > Adolf Hitler
Adolf Hitler (1889-1945) Adolf Hitler, born on April 20, 1889, in Braunau am Inn, Austria, is one of history's most infamous figures, known for his role as the leader of the Nazi Party and as the architect of World War II and the Holocaust. His early life was marked by a troubled relationship with his father and an unremarkable academic record. After failing to gain admission to the Vienna Academy of Fine Arts, Hitler moved to Munich in 1913, where he lived a bohemian lifestyle.

Hitler's experiences during World War I profoundly shaped his ideology. He served as a dispatch runner on the Western Front and was twice decorated for bravery, but he was deeply affected by Germany's defeat and the harsh terms of the Treaty of Versailles. These events fueled his nationalist fervor and his belief in the need for radical political change.

In 1920, Hitler joined the German Workers' Party, which he soon transformed into the National Socialist German Workers' Party (Nazi Party). By 1921, he became its undisputed leader. Hitler's oratory skills, propaganda, and the use of the paramilitary SA (Sturmabteilung) helped him gain a substantial following. The failed Beer Hall Putsch in 1923 led to his imprisonment, during which he wrote Mein Kampf, outlining his ideology and future plans for Germany.

By exploiting economic woes and public discontent, Hitler's party gained significant political power, leading to his appointment as Chancellor in 1933. He quickly consolidated power, establishing a totalitarian regime. Hitler's aggressive expansionist policies and militarization led to the invasion of Poland in 1939, sparking World War II. His leadership during the war was marked by devastating military campaigns and the systematic genocide of six million Jews and millions of other minorities in the Holocaust.

Hitler's reign ended with Germany's defeat in 1945. Facing imminent capture, he committed suicide on April 30, 1945, in his Berlin bunker. Hitler's legacy is one of unparalleled atrocity and a stark reminder of the dangers of totalitarianism and unchecked power.
  Hitler as a Baby   Adolf Hitler painting, The Courtyard of the Old Residency, Munich (1914).   Adolf Hitler in World War I   Nazi Rally with Hermann Göring in 1928   Nazi Party Meeting in 1930  
  Hitler as a Baby   Hitler's Artwork   Adolf Hitler in World War I   Nazi Rally with Hermann Göring   Nazi Party Meeting in 1930  
  Hitler Inaugurated as German Chancellor in 1933   Adolf Hitler Official Photo, 1933   Adolf Hitler with Benito Mussolini in 1934   Nazi Party Spectacle in Nuremberg, Germany, in September, 1934   Hitler Motorcade in Nuremberg  
  Hitler as Chancellor   Adolf Hitler Official Photo   Adolf Hitler with Benito Mussolini   Nazi Party Spectacle   Hitler Motorcade in Nuremberg  
  Mussolini and Hitler in 1936   Kristallnacht in Magdeburg, 1938   Munich Conference, 1938   Mussolini and Hitler in Munich   Hitler Entering Sudetenland, 1938  
  Mussolini and Hitler in 1936   Kristallnacht in Magdeburg   Munich Conference   Mussolini and Hitler in Munich   Hitler Entering Sudetenland  
  Hitler in Front if the Eiffel Tower in Paris, France   Speech Against FDR in the Reichstag   Hitler and the Japanese Foreign Minister   Hitler with Eva Braun and Dogs   Adolf Hitler Photo Portrait  
  Hitler in Front if the Eiffel Tower in Paris, France   Speech Against FDR in the Reichstag   Hitler and the Japanese Foreign Minister   Hitler with Eva Braun and Dogs   Adolf Hitler Photo Portrait  
  Nazi Victims at Buchenwald, April, 1945   Adolf Hitler in the German Reichstag, 1938              
  WARNING: EXPLICIT Victims of Hitler's "Final Solution"   Adolf Hitler in the German Reichstag, 1938              
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